Missions Update


Hello Bridge, Church!

I wanted to update you on what I’ve been doing the past 10 months. God has been doing amazing things. I have been at YWAM Gold Coast in Australia for seven of the month’s working with students just out of high school, preparing them to share God’s word. I was able to lead a team of nine students to do mission work in the Solomon Islands for 12 weeks. We were able to go to seven different villages and work with youth and children, as well as adults by sharing the Gospel. It is so beautiful to see how much they love and trust the Lord despite how little they have materialistically. We were also able to go into the hospital in one of the villages and pray for healing over people, and were able to see miracles of healing! Such a beautiful testimony of God‘s goodness! 

I want to thank all of you have been supporting me in prayer! Your letters I received were such an encouragement. I’m heading back to Australia to lead a discipleship Bible school for the next three months. After that I will be doing an outreach in Vietnam. Your continued prayers are so appreciated! 

Ella Zuccone


Making of a Legacy


The Gospel of Freedom (Galatians 2:11-21)