Infinite, Intimate, Intricate Knowledge


“But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.”

Matthew 10:30 NASB

In the context of Matthew 10 Jesus is giving instructions to His disciples on how to conduct their ministry. Much of the passage is a warning of the trials to come as a result of their commitment to serving Him. He refers to them as sheep being sent out in the midst of wolves. When put that way it sounds like they don’t stand a chance. He speaks of imprisonment, torture, hatred toward them even at the family level. But then He tells them not to fear, why? Because He is on their side. Verse 28 says it perfectly, (v.28) “Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” We are to fear God, He can do far more harm to us than the world can, His wrath is beyond what we can comprehend and endure. 

So why do we fear the world so much? In the general sense we fear losing our jobs, our homes, our family members and friends, and our lives. We fear being hurt by others whether its verbally or physically. We fear natural disasters, wars, government, society, activist movements, etc. We fear sharing our faith in Christ with those around us. The world around us is increasingly hostile and negative and quite frankly can be scary and as a result we tend to live in much fear. 

But as we come to Matthew 10:30 we read: “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” In such a short and yet simple verse we can have much to think about regarding fear. I wonder how many of us have read over it without putting much thought or consideration into it. Especially those of us who may not have too many hairs left on our head to count . Unfortunately, I know I have breezed over this verse...many times, but recently it sat with me for a bit and I thought to myself how awesome and fearful it is to ponder how the God of the universe knows the exact number of hairs on my head. Then to think He knows this for every person, almost 8 billion people on the planet. Taking this thought further God knows every intricate detail about everything in existence, at all times. When I wrestle with that reality it hurts my brain, and my ego. It reminds me that nothing surprises God and nothing escapes His knowledge or understanding and that I am not as in control of my life or my situations as much as I want to believe and I don’t know enough to even come close to questioning His authority. But it also reminds me that He is in complete control. Every aspect of creation and humanity is on the forefront of God’s mind, always, night and day, year after year. Through every nano-second of time His hand is intimately involved in sustaining the existence of every molecule, every event throughout history, and He even knows every thought in the heart of every person even before they think, speak, or act it. The truth of this should bring us to our knees in utter humility, awe, wonder, and godly fear. 

So, when we step back and look at God from this perspective how can we have fear of the world around us? How can we for one second doubt that God is in control or that He doesn’t know or understand what’s going on in our lives and in the world around us? We can rest in knowing that not even one sparrow falls to the ground without the Fathers knowledge (v.29). Nothing escapes His knowledge. The unrest we see in our personal lives and in the world around us is not by accident. God didn’t make a mistake. We (humanity) made the mistake. After the fall of Adam and Eve we in sinful nature continue to reject Him, we disobey His Word, we rebel against His will. We are reaping the fruit of our sinful labor. We deserve what the world gives us, what results from our actions. Only by God’s everlasting grace do we receive good things, blessings, peace, and joy. 

Whenever we experience goodness in life, we get a small glimpse of what a life in eternity with Christ, set free from this evil, chaotic, sinful fallen state will be like. We can rejoice in the hope we have in our salvation. So, the next time you ponder God’s knowledge of every hair on your head regardless of how few there may be , remind yourself of His awesome greatness, His vast knowledge and understanding of all creation. Don’t live in fear but instead live in joy, joy of the hope set before you. A hope of eternity where one day God Himself will dwell among us and every tear will be wiped away from your eyes, there will no longer be death, no longer any mourning, or crying, or pain (Revelation 21:4). Praise God for His gift of Christ for our salvation and the indwelling of the Spirit to bring about His purposes through us. May we fully trust in Him, no longer living in fear and doubt and may we always look to the infinite characteristics of His being and never cease to be in awe and reverence of Him. When we focus on Christ the things of this world will grow dim. 

In closing Psalm 30:4-5 says: 

“Sing praise to the Lord, you His godly ones, and give thanks to His holy name. For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for a lifetime; Weeping may last for the night, But a shout of joy comes in the morning.”


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